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CB58 Deprecation in AvalancheGo API


With AvalancheGo v1.7.14 release, we have published changes to deprecate cb58 encoding in favor of hex in the return of AvalancheGo API calls. This only impacted the encoding format for data with variable length representations (such as UTXOs, transactions, blocks, etc). Other data represented using cb58 such as addresses and IDs (txIDs, chainIDs, subnetIDs, and utxoIDs) are unchanged.

Our AvalancheGo API documents and public API servers have been updated to reflect this change: hex is now the default value for the encoding parameter in places where cb58 used to be default.

You will need to change your code to handle the response correctly. For example, for API call avm.getUTXOs in which

  • encoding sets the format for the returned UTXOs.

you can specify "encoding": "hex" when issuing the API call or leave it empty which will take the default value of hex.

curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"avm.getUTXOs",
"params" :{
"addresses":["X-avax18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5ukulre5", "X-avax1d09qn852zcy03sfc9hay2llmn9hsgnw4tp3dv6"],
"encoding": "hex"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

This gives response where utxos will be in hex format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"numFetched": "5",
"utxos": [
"endIndex": {
"address": "X-avax18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5ukulre5",
"utxo": "kbUThAUfmBXUmRgTpgD6r3nLj7rJUGho6xyht5nouNNypH45j"
"encoding": "hex"
"id": 1

You can also use json if the api supports it.

Affected APIs

Following APIs are affected with this change.


When going through this API list, please make sure to check the omitted/default encoding parameter. Prior to AvalancheGo v1.7.14, by default, cb58 is used for the encoding parameter if not specified in these APIs. With AvalancheGo v1.7.14 and forward, hex is default.

X-Chain API

P-Chain API

C-Chain API

Index API

Keystore API