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Deploy a Gnosis Safe on Your Subnet EVM


This article shows how to deploy and interact with a Gnosis Safe programmatically on any Subnet EVM.

If you are looking for more information regarding the Gnosis Safe protocol, please check out these developer docs.


This tutorial assumes that:

  • A Subnet and EVM blockchain has been created. Avalanche tools allow users to do this on Mainnet, Fuji or a Local network.
  • Your node is currently validating your target Subnet.
  • Your wallet has a balance of the Subnet native token (specified under alloc in your Genesis File).

The entirety of this tutorial will require you to work with 3 projects (4 if running locally)

Custom Network Workflow


Set up the safe-contracts repository by running the following Commands:

cd safe-contracts

Next, change .env.example to .env and set the variable,PK to your wallet's private key. Here, we can also add our node's RPC endpoint as our NODE_URL.


# Used for custom network

Next, add your Subnet Network parameters to hardhat.config.ts:

networks: {
subnet: {
url: `${NODE_URL}`,
chainId: 99999,
gasPrice: "auto",
accounts: [`${PK}`, ],

chainId is set to 99999 for demonstration purposes only. Please be sure to use the correct chainId when following this workflow.

Deploy the Safe Contracts

At this point we have set up the Subnet and can make calls to the RPC endpoint. You can use the RPC URL value to define NODE_URL in your .env file. We can execute the workflow on a local or remote node as long as we have the proper IP address.

Finally, deploy the contracts by running:

yarn hardhat --network subnet deploy

This will deploy the Safe contracts to your Subnet EVM!

deploying "SimulateTxAccessor" (tx: 0xb2104e7067e35e1d2176ee53f6030bbcef4a12051505daca603d097d87ebd3e2)...: deployed at 0x52C84043CD9c865236f11d9Fc9F56aa003c1f922 with 237301 gas
deploying "GnosisSafeProxyFactory" (tx: 0x8faec24dda341141e02d1b898ceefe445b2893b3f600f1f79a5e04e3a91396cd)...: deployed at 0x17aB05351fC94a1a67Bf3f56DdbB941aE6c63E25 with 865918 gas
deploying "DefaultCallbackHandler" (tx: 0xa1a48e8869c71cb10e9ca5f2ce20420c44ce09dc32aa13efbd2ebc3796bcf145)...: deployed at 0x5aa01B3b5877255cE50cc55e8986a7a5fe29C70e with 541390 gas
deploying "CompatibilityFallbackHandler" (tx: 0x05d1f9ef7cafd2dbc5d4b9621d15e15f2416e6917371355718e6194d6e39871a)...: deployed at 0x5DB9A7629912EBF95876228C24A848de0bfB43A9 with 1235752 gas
deploying "CreateCall" (tx: 0xbb40c1594dc5cdb1a37b8890e2a0e610c0339af157d094d008e8eebcf3eb3275)...: deployed at 0x4Ac1d98D9cEF99EC6546dEd4Bd550b0b287aaD6D with 294075 gas
deploying "MultiSend" (tx: 0x075067ca5e4755c31e8dbe5e16cd597f86fb141f45de254d39b050568ef2a3a6)...: deployed at 0xA4cD3b0Eb6E5Ab5d8CE4065BcCD70040ADAB1F00 with 189518 gas
deploying "MultiSendCallOnly" (tx: 0xa237e18fb2561c2081341f3621ff559063bd07c6b9f77aefdaf103f976751353)...: deployed at 0xa4DfF80B4a1D748BF28BC4A271eD834689Ea3407 with 141745 gas
deploying "SignMessageLib" (tx: 0x1cc1322268015fee470529682dbc9bfc8aa068554df841de824524cdfb8bc2e8)...: deployed at 0xe336d36FacA76840407e6836d26119E1EcE0A2b4 with 261758 gas
deploying "GnosisSafeL2" (tx: 0x341ec664d3a5c2c98f1c3f5862651ba82e0c2d12875d69ad3bdf8d1d5e3e074b)...: deployed at 0x95CA0a568236fC7413Cd2b794A7da24422c2BBb6 with 5268965 gas
deploying "GnosisSafe" (tx: 0x10dcf8c5f53ae698c77d7f60d6756b4b24f2f8224e14e21658c421e158a84cd4)...: deployed at 0x789a5FDac2b37FCD290fb2924382297A6AE65860 with 5086960 gas
✨ Done in 26.90s.

Please record your GnosisSafeL2 and GnosisSafeProxyFactory addresses to complete this tutorial

The deployment of the contracts is using a proxy factory, therefore the address is depending on the bytecode. If the address is the same then the deployment bytecode of the contract is also the same (assuming that the target chain follows the EVM specifications set in the Ethereum Yellowpaper).

Interacting with the Safe

The safe-deployments repository contains the ABI files for the different versions of the Safe that can be used with all common Ethereum tools to interact with the Safe.

The important part is how to create the signature to confirm a transaction. More information on this can be found in the Safe docs.

To make this easier the Safe team provides multiple CLIs (safe-cli and safe-tasks) and the safe-core-sdk.

Using Safe Tasks

Let's take a look on how to create a Safe and propose transactions on a Subnet using Safe Tasks, a Hardhat task collection for the Safe contracts.

First, in a new directory, clone and navigate to the safe-tasks repository by running the following command:

git clone
cd safe-tasks

Implement the environment and network setup above to prepare the Safe-Tasks project.

Create a Safe

Now let's create a Safe using the previously deployed GnosisSafeL2 and GnosisSafeProxyFactory addresses:

yarn safe create --network subnet --singleton "<YOUR-GnosisSafeL2-ADDRESS-HERE>" --factory "<YOUR-GnosisSafeProxyFactory-ADDRESS-HERE>"


Deploy Safe to 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114
Singleton: 0x95CA0a568236fC7413Cd2b794A7da24422c2BBb6
Setup data: 0xb63e800d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000008db97c7cece249c2b98bdc0226cc4c2a57bf52fc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Nonce: 1658256419254
To (factory): 0x17aB05351fC94a1a67Bf3f56DdbB941aE6c63E25
Data: 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

Notice the line, "Deploy Safe to 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114", informs us that our safe contract lives at the address 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114. For demonstration purposes, we will utilize this address for this section of the article.

Let's inspect our Safe details by running the following:

yarn safe info --network subnet 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 


Checking Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114
Singleton: 0x95CA0a568236fC7413Cd2b794A7da24422c2BBb6
Version: 1.3.0
Owners: 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Threshold: 1
Nonce: 0
Fallback Handler: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The output above illustrates a few things:

  • Singleton - This is the contract that holds the logic for our Safe to interact with. In this case, the Smart Contract we are using is GnosisSafeL2.sol, A multisignature wallet with support for confirmations using signed messages based on ERC191.
  • Owners - The addresses that are allowed to sign and submit proposals. These can be can either be EOAs or other smart contract accounts.
  • Threshold - The amount of signatures required to submit a proposal.

Add an Owner

To add an owner we must first generate the data required to submit a proposal.

Navigate to the add_owner.json file in the examples directory and an address that you control to params.

"to": "0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114",
"value": "0",
"method": "addOwnerWithThreshold(address,uint256)",
"params": [
"operation": 0

Next, we will call the propose-multi task to create a transaction based on the sample tx input json that adds an owner to the Safe.

yarn safe propose-multi --network subnet 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 examples/add_owner.json --export example/addOwner.json

This will create a new file, addOwner.json, in the examples directory.

"version": "1.0",
"chainId": "99999",
"createdAt": 1658276969641,
"meta": {
"name": "Custom Transactions"
"transactions": [
"to": "0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114",
"value": "0",
"data": "0x0d582f1300000000000000000000000082ddaf3f1fcd3c18f5664cd7fb12bd8c38d5d4ba0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
"operation": 0

Notice the data value has the parameters encoded as a single hexadecimal string.

  • addOwnerWithThreshold has the function signature 0d582f13
  • address appears in the data as 82ddaf3f1fcd3c18f5664cd7fb12bd8c38d5d4ba
  • threshold appears at the end of the data as 2

Now we can use the --data flag and pass in the data above as an argument for our proposal.

yarn safe propose --network subnet 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 --to 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 --data 0x0d582f1300000000000000000000000082ddaf3f1fcd3c18f5664cd7fb12bd8c38d5d4ba0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002


Running on subnet
Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114
Safe transaction hash: 0x2837eb329c41078c97e2450eabf0b73caae94d08db06a5d9fe2084d33ef3f4cc

As you can see, creating a proposal generates a Safe transaction hash which we will use to complete this tutorial.

Next, we will sign and submit our proposal's tx hash, 0x2837eb329c41078c97e2450eabf0b73caae94d08db06a5d9fe2084d33ef3f4cc, with the tasks, sign-proposal and submit-proposal.


yarn safe sign-proposal 0x2837eb329c41078c97e2450eabf0b73caae94d08db06a5d9fe2084d33ef3f4cc


Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Signature: 0x094e84aab062cb03f9abca3b80fb9931934c83920024fb8fa83b7b8d1a2aab305ab1f4d54e3a59ad7633f3f36d5db9b9976db268e05e0559c1c017fd3836540020


yarn safe submit-proposal 0x2837eb329c41078c97e2450eabf0b73caae94d08db06a5d9fe2084d33ef3f4cc


Running on subnet
Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Ethereum transaction hash: 0x99b35740246b91e5137f0128427e220ec7772aab17b20b6b9d4bcc7e0c73685f

Now that we've successfully submitted a proposal, let's check the owners of our Safe by using the info task:

yarn safe info --network subnet 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114


Checking Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114
Singleton: 0x95CA0a568236fC7413Cd2b794A7da24422c2BBb6
Version: 1.3.0
Owners: 0x82DdaF3f1fcd3c18F5664cD7fb12bD8C38D5d4ba,0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Threshold: 2
Nonce: 1
Fallback Handler: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It is worth noting that you can also check the owners of the Safe by using Hardhat with your Custom EVM.

As shown above, Owners now includes a new address and threshold, the amount of signatures needed to execute a transaction, has increased to 2.

Send Native Currency from Your Safe

Let's apply the very same steps above to a workflow where we send the Native Currency of your Subnet to an EOA. This part of the tutorial requires that your Safe holds at least 1000 native tokens. You can send assets to your Safe the same way you would send Avax using Metamask. To add your Subnet to MetaMask, please read this excerpt.

Just as before, we will sign and submit the transaction hash. This example uses two signers due to an increased threshold from our previous Safe transaction.

To include our second signer, we will have to import another private key into the project by adding it to .env and hardhat.config.ts in our safe-tasks project.

Example .env:

# Used for custom network

Example hardhat.config.ts

// Load environment variables.
const {
} = process.env;

networks: {
subnet: {
url: `${NODE_URL}`,
chainId: 99999,
gasPrice: "auto",
accounts: [`${PK}`, `${PK2}` ],

In this example, we're sending 1000 LEVM (which is the native token on the Subnet we are working with) from our Safe to the address 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC.

Let's ensure that our Safe has enough funds by using a simple curl request.

curl -X POST localhost:49435/ext/bc/2Ek1MWR7jiEJr3o9tuJAH79JkuERzKqQDcR2s6R2e5Dyz54Wit/rpc -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114", "latest"],
"id": 1



Now that we've verified that our Safe has enough native tokens(1000), let's create a proposal to send some to an EOA.

yarn safe propose  --network subnet 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 --value 1000 --to 0x2d1d87fF3Ea2ba6E0576bCA4310fC057972F2559

Notice that we've added the value flag and passed in our target amount. We've also changed our to flag to be our our target address. You can find the other flags and parameters for this task here.


Running on subnet
Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114
Safe transaction hash: 0x5134dc35909ff592c55a64c1a5947dd4844b1bca2a45df68ed9c3019133bf44d

Sign with Two Owners

Follow the same workflow from before to sign a proposal.

yarn safe sign-proposal 0x5134dc35909ff592c55a64c1a5947dd4844b1bca2a45df68ed9c3019133bf44d


Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Signature: 0x636ba2a89023b1e81032a43dd1172743f7916e31647eb87ec95c541c091ebf1873605d39d8039431a7dceeeab691e48b96b50f93e91acde5e67295e9f051e7031f

By default, Hardhat uses account 0 to sign transactions. Since we've imported another private key and added it to our accounts parameter in hardhat.config.ts we can now specify which account we want to sign with by adding the flag --signer-index to our sign-proposal task

yarn safe sign-proposal 0x5134dc35909ff592c55a64c1a5947dd4844b1bca2a45df68ed9c3019133bf44d --signer-index 1


Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 with 0x82DdaF3f1fcd3c18F5664cD7fb12bD8C38D5d4ba
Signature: 0x11d7e983417280bdf1c55da51359eb06262f0feadad1c6ebdf497a6e6db92c5e506536c1c2b6bd3ef726d163c710d5adcbe787a2440be5ad79cac52e950407b21f


Now that both owners have signed the proposal, the threshold requirement has been met and we can now submit the proposal.

yarn safe submit-proposal 0x5134dc35909ff592c55a64c1a5947dd4844b1bca2a45df68ed9c3019133bf44d


Using Safe at 0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114 with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Ethereum transaction hash: 0x074d823b8d111af9e87d0e4374e3a5382a4de9952df4f49db5ee4b52f945760b

Now let's check the balances of the Safe and EOA addresses using curl.

Safe balance(0)

curl -X POST localhost:49435/ext/bc/2Ek1MWR7jiEJr3o9tuJAH79JkuERzKqQDcR2s6R2e5Dyz54Wit/rpc -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0x1DE5B48F80eC78Bf74644EFdCbB5750Cb7B25114", "latest"],
"id": 1



EOA Balance(1,000)

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0x2d1d87fF3Ea2ba6E0576bCA4310fC057972F2559", "latest"],
"id": 1



We can reformat BigNumber values to human readable values by using hardhat console.


npx hardhat console --network subnet
ethers.utils.formatUnits(await ethers.BigNumber.from('0x3635c9adc5dea00000'))



And there you have it! We've transferred 1000 LEVM from our Safe to address, 0x2d1d87fF3Ea2ba6E0576bCA4310fC057972F2559.

Other Functions

As long as you have the ABI for a contract, you can apply the workflow outlined above to call other functions.

For instance, if we wanted to approve a spend, we would create a transaction json file with the necessary data such as the example below.


"to": "0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab",
"value": "0.1",
"operation": 0
"to": "0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab",
"value": "0",
"method": "approve(address,uint256)",
"params": [
"operation": 0

Then we would use the same tasks from before:

  1. Generate the txn data with yarn safe propose-multi
yarn safe propose-multi --network subnet <SAFE-ADDRESS> <TX-FILE> --export <TX-DATA-FILE-NAME>
  1. Create a proposal with yarn safe propose
yarn safe propose --network subnet <SAFE-ADDRESS> --data <TX-DATA> --to <TARGET-ADDRESS>
  1. Sign the proposal with yarn safe sign-proposal
yarn safe sign-proposal <SAFE-TX-HASH>
  1. Submit the proposal with yarn safe submit-proposal
yarn submit <SAFE-TX-HASH>

Managing a Proxy Using Gnosis Safe


This part of the tutorial is better suited for advanced users as the operations from each project work together asynchronously which may lead to errors if the user misses a step.

Please pay careful attention to which project and which step of the workflow you are in when following this part of the tutorial.

This part of the article aims to illustrate the use of a Multi-Signature Safe Protocol to manage an Upgradeable Proxy Smart Contract. For this tutorial we will use a Transparent Upgradeable Proxy. To learn more about proxy upgrade patterns, please review the Open Zeppelin docs here and see the diagram below.


Some use cases may apply such as:

  • Upgrading a Vault - Point the proxy implementation to a new treasury smart contract.
  • Upgrading a Registry - Migrate a database of user addresses and privileges to a new smart contract. This may include Owners, Stakers, Validators, Token holders, Whitelists.


For this part of the tutorial, we will need to clone the Avalanche Smart Contract Quickstart repository and switch to the proxy-contract-implementation branch the by running the following Commands:

git clone
cd avalanche-smart-contract-quickstart
git switch proxy-contract-implementation

Next, implement the environment and network setup above to prepare the Proxy Smart Contract project.

Deploy the Proxy

Let's deploy the proxy contracts by running the following command:

npx hardhat run --network subnet scripts/deployStorage.ts


Deploying Storage...
Storage deployed to: 0x5dda6Fa725248D95d2086F4fcEb6bA6bdfEbc45b
{ number: '42' }

This command actually executed 3 operations:

  • Deployed a Proxy Admin contract and assigned the deployer's address as the owner
  • Deployed the Storage contract and set the number to 42
  • Deployed a Transparent upgradeable proxy and added the Storage contract's address as its implementation

Notice the line Storage deployed to: in our deployment output includes the address 0x5dda6Fa725248D95d2086F4fcEb6bA6bdfEbc45b

This is our proxy address which you can also find in .openzeppelin, a session file that includes all of the project's proxy contract information.


"manifestVersion": "3.2",
"admin": {
"address": "0xd8215b138ef5eA0ecFc49fBaD1a30A18a109A06c",
"txHash": "0xf0457a8ca950fe526cc9d60fb578761538d037ea2f939758c6810a3b1e6b95d4"
"proxies": [
"address": "0x5dda6Fa725248D95d2086F4fcEb6bA6bdfEbc45b",
"txHash": "0x10480134bfe1709277e4e03aeed2825355c87f6a35633c6ed06a114fc9ce06a6",
"kind": "transparent"
"impls": {
"cba9f8cf52e3c449631a04ea218a6cedcaf7c366669cfc257c89a008266c768f": {
"address": "0x42420054623f00CE5F04Ae4Fb8905f3Dd04DD27a",
"txHash": "0x6494655b779015d7cac8f32b7fa1d6437616de71e71312cbf17cf9cc1054ea35",
"layout": {
"storage": [
"label": "number",
"offset": 0,
"slot": "0",
"type": "t_uint256",
"contract": "Storage",
"src": "contracts/Storage.sol:7"
"types": {
"t_uint256": {
"label": "uint256",
"numberOfBytes": "32"

Transfer the Proxy Admin Role to a Safe

Next, let's transfer proxy admin privileges to our Gnosis Safe by adding it's address to our transferProxyOwnership.ts script.

// transferProxyOwnership.ts
const gnosisSafe = "<YOUR-SAFE-ADDRESS-HERE>"

Next run the script to execute the transfer.

npx hardhat run --network subnet scripts/transferProxyOwnership.ts


Transferring ownership of ProxyAdmin...
✔ 0x1189D8E94cAD398612cc4638f80B18d421e74a31 (transparent) proxy ownership transfered through admin proxy
Transferred ownership of ProxyAdmin to: 0xCA2922E98339C359D818b8f7ad3c897C0e18a7ff

Now that we have transferred ownership to our Gnosis Safe, we can upgrade the proxy implementation.

Upgrade the Contract

Deploy a New Logic Contract

For this step we will deploy a new implementation for the proxy contract to interact with.

Run the following command to deploy StorageV2, an upgraded version of our Storage contract:

npx hardhat run --network subnet scripts/deployStorageV2.ts


Deploying Storage2...
StorageV2 deployed to: 0x32CaF0D54B0578a96A1aDc7269F19e7398358174

0x32CaF0D54B0578a96A1aDc7269F19e7398358174 will be our new implementation address, the logic contract consumed by the proxy contract.

Use Hardhat to Interact with the Proxy

Now is a good time for us to use Hardhat to interact with the proxy to ensure that we are on the right track.

First setup Hardhat console to run on your subnet.

npx hardhat console --network subnet

Then connect to the contracts with the following steps:

Connect hardhat to an instance of the Storage contract at the deployed address.

> const storage = await ethers.getContractAt('Storage','<YOUR-PROXY-ADDRESS-HERE>')

You can reference your proxy address from the Storage contract deployment or .openzeppelin.

Retrieve the stored number set during deployment.

>(await storage.retrieve()).toString()

Create the Upgrade Tx

Next we will use the propose-multi task to create an upgrade tx.

Create a new file, upgrade.json, in the examples directory of your safe-task project.

// examples/upgrade.json
"value": "0",
"method": "upgrade(address,address)",
"params": [
"operation": 0

Ensure that the following parameters are set correctly:

  • to - Should be set to the proxy admin address found in avalanche-smart-contract-quickstart/.openzeppelin/"<YOUR-NETWORK-SESSION>".json.
  • method - Ensure that you have the function name and argument types correct.
  • params - An upgrade call needs both a proxy address and implementation address to be passed in as arguments. In this case we, our implementation address will be our StorageV2 contract address.

Next create the Tx data by running the following command:

yarn safe propose-multi "<YOUR-SAFE-ADDRESS>" examples/upgrade.json --export examples/upgradeData.json


"version": "1.0",
"chainId": "99999",
"createdAt": 1658795403593,
"meta": {
"name": "Custom Transactions"
"transactions": [
"to": "0xd8215b138ef5eA0ecFc49fBaD1a30A18a109A06c",
"value": "0",
"data": "0x99a88ec40000000000000000000000005dda6fa725248d95d2086f4fceb6ba6bdfebc45b00000000000000000000000032caf0d54b0578a96a1adc7269f19e7398358174",
"operation": 0

Notice that the data value consists of the calldata we will use to call the upgrade function.

Create the Proposal

yarn safe propose --network subnet "<YOUR-SAFE-ADDRESS-HERE>" --to "<YOUR-PROXY-ADMIN-ADDRESS-HERE>" --data "<YOUR-TX-DATA-HERE>"
Running on subnet
Using Safe at 0xCA2922E98339C359D818b8f7ad3c897C0e18a7ff
Safe transaction hash: 0xd9a5d0e57eaa1763f36cb7208c227e9ee2d6ec03ae4a4947bb8a99a96eef6376


yarn safe sign-proposal "<YOUR-SAFE-TX-HASH-HERE>" 


Using Safe at 0xCA2922E98339C359D818b8f7ad3c897C0e18a7ff with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Signature: 0x702f6f29903e434ea5fee10a79541a463a2c18d730f32c0b61a1101960aa802d317974c0d3d6cbe2fff53a65b911906613aad8da23da2be74afaea688d1bd49220


yarn safe submit-proposal "<YOUR-SAFE-TX-HASH-HERE>" 


Running on subnet
Using Safe at 0xCA2922E98339C359D818b8f7ad3c897C0e18a7ff with 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Ethereum transaction hash: 0x48f142e5174532c32b191cf3eee6a5d93320330b2c0e8dfff61d53c46064e3c4

Our transaction hash let's us know that the EVM has mined the transaction!

Use Hardhat to Interact With the Upgraded Proxy

Now we will use hardhat to ensure that our proxy was successfully upgraded.

First, navigate back to hardhat console in your avalanche-smart-contract-quickstart-project and instantiate StorageV2 at our proxy address.

> const storageV2 = await ethers.getContractAt('StorageV2','YOUR-PROXY-ADDRESS-HERE')

Notice that we are now using StorageV2 at our original proxy address. Since, we've upgraded our implementation, our we can call the original address but interact with the new contract.

Let's check the stored value to ensure that we have retained the data from the previous implementation..

> (await storageV2.retrieve()).toString()

Great! We've successfully retrieved the previously stored value from the contract!

Now let's call our upgraded contract's new function increment which adds 1 to the stored value:

> await storageV2.increment()
hash: '0x2ed9dff3f909a50f191d41ff59ab423907fbc23b4cf7b3721907d933a710b848',
type: 0,
accessList: null,
blockHash: '0x70be069ddf5c353cef0f6e3047b20e9e8c52b837228c131d3e0ad8c84b4c39f4',
blockNumber: 124,
transactionIndex: 0,
confirmations: 1,
from: '0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC',
gasPrice: BigNumber { _hex: '0x05d21dba00', _isBigNumber: true },
gasLimit: BigNumber { _hex: '0x8931', _isBigNumber: true },
to: '0x5dda6Fa725248D95d2086F4fcEb6bA6bdfEbc45b',
value: BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
nonce: 125,
data: '0xd09de08a',
r: '0xd5ee62766bf7f88946c0d565dbb90b80e2a93df42137b1c13ac44808f7727297',
s: '0x4f46a263fdd6f5518ca2cfd43440ee14b5dfec2322e045a3eebdd1d51558c6db',
v: 200034,
creates: null,
chainId: 99999,
wait: [Function (anonymous)]

The transaction data shows us that the operation was successful!

Now, let's check the stored number.

> (await storageV2.retrieve()).toString()

And there you have it. We have successfully done the following:

Local Workflow

Start the Local Network

Follow Create a Local Test Network to start a local Subnet EVM. Make sure that you get one of the port numbers by following running the command: avalanche network status. In this tutorial, we will assume one of the ports is 49435.

Locate the Hardhat Network Configuration and Make Necessary Changes

Most of the code is already set to follow this tutorial on a local network. Do check the following values in hardhat.config.ts to make sure they are correct.

networks: {
subnet: {
url: ``,
chainId: 99999,
gasPrice: "auto",
accounts: [

Then run the deployment and interaction methods to follow the exercises in this tutorial.