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Run a Mainnet Node on DeFi Kingdoms Subnet


This article describes how to run a Mainnet node on DeFi Kingdoms (DFK) Subnet. It can be applied to any other Subnet, where the corresponding part of the Subnet info should be replaced.

Following necessary steps are needed to run your node on the DFK Subnet:

  1. Build the AvalancheGo binary and create the plugin build directory
  2. Build the plugin binary for the DFK subnet-evm
  3. Whitelist the DFK Subnet
  4. Connect to the DFK Subnet!

Just want the commands? Jump to the end!

Build AvalancheGo Binary and Create the Plugin Build Directory

First, you need to download and build AvalancheGo (handles the orchestration of running Custom VMs). You can follow this comprehensive guide to complete this step. For this tutorial, we recommend compiling from source instead of using the AvalancheGo Installer.

Build subnet-evm Binary

For the steps below, we will assume that you completed first step successfully and are now in your AvalancheGo directory (within your $GOPATH).

Next, you will clone the DFK subnet-evm repository:

cd $GOPATH/src/
mkdir DeFiKingdoms
cd DeFiKingdoms
git clone
cd subnet-evm

Now that you are in the DeFiKingdoms/subnet-evm repository, you will build the binary and place it directly into the AvalancheGo build/plugins directory. To do this, you will pass in the desired path to place the plugin binary. You will want to place this binary into the plugins directory of AvalancheGo, which was created when building AvalancheGo from source.

./scripts/ $GOPATH/src/

The long string mDV3QWRXfwgKUWb9sggkv4vQxAQR4y2CyKrt5pLZ5SzQ7EHBv is the CB58 encoded VMID of the DFK subnet-evm. AvalancheGo will use the name of this file to determine what VMs are available to run from the plugins directory.

Whitelisting DFK Subnet and Restarting the Node

AvalancheGo will only validate the primary network by default. In order to add the DFK Subnet, you will need to add the DFK Subnet ID to the set of whitelisted Subnets in the node's config file or pass it through the command line options of the node. Once the node's config file has been updated, you will need to start the Avalanche node (restart if already running).

Once you start the node, it will begin syncing the Primary Network. Once the node reaches the point in the Platform Chain where the DFK Subnet is created, it will begin syncing the DFK Subnet as well, and will start validating once it has fully bootstrapped.

Updating Config File

You can skip this section if you want to pass whitelisted Subnets through command-line flags.

You need to create a new config file or edit your existing one for your node. In this tutorial, you will create a config file at: ~/.avalanchego/config.json. Note: you can create a config file anywhere on your file system, you will just need to specify its location via the flag --config-file=<file path> when you start your node. See this for more info on configuration file and flags.

You will need to add the DFK Subnet ID to the whitelisted Subnets section of the config file:

"whitelisted-subnets": "Vn3aX6hNRstj5VHHm63TCgPNaeGnRSqCYXQqemSqDd2TQH4qJ"

Whitelisted Subnets is a comma separated list of Subnet IDs, so if you are validating more than one Subnet, you can simply add a comma to the end of the list and append the DFK Subnet ID Vn3aX6hNRstj5VHHm63TCgPNaeGnRSqCYXQqemSqDd2TQH4qJ.

Running the Node

First, make sure to shut down your node in case it is still running. Then, you will navigate back into the AvalancheGo directory:

cd $GOPATH/src/

If you went through the steps to set up a config file, then you can launch your node by specifying the config file on the command line:

./build/avalanchego --config-file ~/.avalanchego/config.json

If you want to pass the whitelisted Subnets through the command line flag. You can append the other flags or even the --config-file flag as well, according to your need.

./build/avalanchego --whitelisted-subnets Vn3aX6hNRstj5VHHm63TCgPNaeGnRSqCYXQqemSqDd2TQH4qJ

Just Want the Commands? We Got You...


Run go version. It should be 1.17.9 or above. Run echo $GOPATH. It should not be empty.

mkdir -p src/
cd src/
git clone
cd avalanchego
cd $GOPATH/src/
mkdir DeFiKingdoms
cd DeFiKingdoms
git clone
cd subnet-evm
./scripts/ $GOPATH/src/
./build/avalanchego --whitelisted-subnets Vn3aX6hNRstj5VHHm63TCgPNaeGnRSqCYXQqemSqDd2TQH4qJ