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Subnet CLI

The subnet-cli is a command-line interface to manage Avalanche Subnets.



git clone;
cd subnet-cli;
go install -v .;

Once you have installed subnet-cli, run command subnet-cli to confirm it is working as expected (make sure your $GOBIN is in your $PATH):

Pre-Built Binaries

You can also download binary directly from here. Make sure you pick the correct version for your OS.


> subnet-cli
subnet-cli CLI

subnet-cli [command]

Available Commands:
add Sub-commands for creating resources
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Sub-commands for creating resources
help Help about any command
status status commands
wizard A magical command for creating an entire subnet

--enable-prompt 'true' to enable prompt mode (default true)
-h, --help help for subnet-cli
--log-level string log level (default "info")
--poll-interval duration interval to poll tx/blockchain status (default 1s)
--request-timeout duration request timeout (default 2m0s)

Use "subnet-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

It DOES NOT need to be run on the same host where you are running your validator. By default, it interfaces exclusively with the public Avalanche API Endpoints.

Network Selection

Should a subnet-cli command call an API end point, --public-uri is used to specify where the end point is.

  • The default value is which points to the Fuji Testnet. If you run a local node on Fuji Testnet, you can use the URI from your local node too.
  • For Mainnet, please use If you run a local node on Mainnet, you can use the URI from your local node too.
  • For local network, please use or http://localhost:port where port is the actual port number of local AvalancheGo. To create a 5-node local network, please follow this and get the correct port number for use.

Ledger Support

To use your ledger with subnet-cli, just add the -l/--ledger flag to any command.

For example, to create 4 node network on Fuji Testnet with Ledger, you would run:

subnet-cli wizard \
--ledger \
--node-ids=NodeID-741aqvs6R4iuHDyd1qT1NrFTmsgu78dc4,NodeID-K7Y79oAmBntAcdkyY1CLxCim8QuqcZbBp,NodeID-C3EY6u4v7DDi6YEbYf1wmXdvkEFXYuXNW,NodeID-AiLGeqQfh9gZY3Y8wLMD15tuJtsJHq5Qi \
--vm-genesis-path=fake-genesis.json \
--vm-id=tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH \

We strongly recommend that you use ledger for any operation on Mainnet and practice it on Fuji Testnet.

Make sure you've downloaded the latest version of the Avalanche Ledger App!

subnet-cli create VMID

This command is used to generate a valid VMID based on some string to uniquely identify a VM. This should stay the same for all versions of the VM, so it should be based on a word rather than the hash of some code.

subnet-cli create VMID <identifier> [--hash]


> subnet-cli create VMID subnetevm
created a new VMID srEXiWaHuhNyGwPUi444Tu47ZEDwxTWrbQiuD7FmgSAQ6X7Dy from subnetevm

subnet-cli create key

> subnet-cli create key
created a new key ""

This creates a file under the current directory with a private key. By default, subnet-cli uses the key specified in file on the P-Chain to pay for the transaction fee, unless --private-key-path is used to overwrite. Please make sure that you have enough fund on this P-Chain address to pay for transactions.

Fuji TestNet

To get fund on this key on Fuji TestNet, follow these steps:

  1. User your private key in the file on the web wallet to access this wallet. (Private Key is the first option on the web wallet). And pick Fuji on the top right corner as the network and locate your C-Chain address which starts with 0x.
  2. Request funds from the faucet using your C-Chain address.
  3. Move the test funds from the C-Chain to the P-Chain by clicking on the Cross Chain on the left side of the web wallet (more details can be found on the tutorial between C/P chains).

After following these 3 steps, your test key should now have a balance on the P-Chain on Fuji Testnet.


For local testing, you can use the key in .insecure.ewoq.key which is pre-funded.


For Mainnet, we strongly recommend to use an account associated with a ledger for all your operations.

subnet-cli wizard

wizard is a magical command that:

  • Adds all NodeIDs as validators to the primary network (skipping any that already exist)
  • Creates a Subnet
  • Adds all NodeIDs as validators on the Subnet
  • Creates a new blockchain

Here is a command to create a Subnet on Fuji Testnet:

> subnet-cli wizard \
--node-ids=NodeID-nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861 \
--vm-genesis-path=my-genesis.json \
--vm-id=kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG \

And its full printed log on the console:

2022-05-20T15:20:15.431-0600    info    client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-05-20T15:20:15.766-0600 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "2JVSBoinj9C2J33VntvzYtVJNZdN2NKiwwKjcumHUWEb5DbBrm"}
2022-05-20T15:20:15.766-0600 info client/client.go:96 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-05-20T15:20:15.788-0600 info client/client.go:105 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "U8iRqJoiJm8xZHAacmvYyZVwqQx6uDNtQeP3CQ6fcgQk3JqnK"}
2022-05-20T15:20:15.788-0600 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-05-20T15:20:15.822-0600 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 5, "networkName": "fuji"}

nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861 is already a validator on 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY

Ready to run wizard, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1ulhfug84kc4x2ezvurqkevnk676sd9n8d05j0g |
| TX FEE | 0.201 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| NEW SUBNET VALIDATORS | [nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861] |
| CHAIN NAME | bayysubnet |
| VM ID | kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG |
| VM GENESIS PATH | my-genesis.json |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-05-20T15:20:19.820-0600 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": false, "assetId": "U8iRqJoiJm8xZHAacmvYyZVwqQx6uDNtQeP3CQ6fcgQk3JqnK", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}
2022-05-20T15:20:19.996-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:74 polling subnet {"subnetId": "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW"}
2022-05-20T15:20:19.997-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-05-20T15:20:19.997-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T15:20:22.075-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "2.077636191s"}
2022-05-20T15:20:22.075-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:88 finding subnets {"subnetId": "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW"}
2022-05-20T15:20:22.075-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T15:20:22.274-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "199.097562ms"}
created subnet "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW" (took 2.276733753s)

Now, time for some config changes on your node(s).
Set --whitelisted-subnets=2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW and move the compiled VM kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG to <build-dir>/plugins/kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG.
When you're finished, restart your node.
✔ Yes, let's continue! I've updated --whitelisted-subnets, built my VM, and restarted my node(s)!

2022-05-20T15:21:48.203-0600 info client/p.go:299 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW", "txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-05-20T15:22:17.781-0600", "end": "2023-03-16T14:52:49.000-0600", "weight": 1000}
2022-05-20T15:21:48.457-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "fHt8L9EHx1UJiEYmEZ3zVCpYssKirRvkQmPfufdvUMhueXRK5", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-05-20T15:21:48.457-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T15:21:50.670-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "2.213119396s"}
added nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861 to subnet 2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW validator set (took 2.213119396s)

waiting for validator nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861 to start validating 2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW...(could take a few minutes)

2022-05-20T15:24:51.521-0600 info client/p.go:497 creating blockchain {"subnetId": "2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW", "chainName": "bayysubnet", "vmId": "kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG", "createBlockchainTxFee": 100000000}
created blockchain "2eKMpwdnMS1ebx3FDa6Axr8GTLFvKytwjWvKawXj37Nf65mq3Q" (took 214.712453ms)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1ulhfug84kc4x2ezvurqkevnk676sd9n8d05j0g |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| SUBNET VALIDATORS | [nBwT3MfSHA4es5o3iB5cMtkPng4eC861] |
| BLOCKCHAIN ID | 2eKMpwdnMS1ebx3FDa6Axr8GTLFvKytwjWvKawXj37Nf65mq3Q |
| CHAIN NAME | bayysubnet |
| VM ID | kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG |
| VM GENESIS PATH | my-genesis.json |

The following are created successfully:

  • Subnet: 2RRgV44HPUQWLWLTpfSPMUcfpCfG4HpKKHV3KgwLccyDzqaoeW
  • Blockchain: 2eKMpwdnMS1ebx3FDa6Axr8GTLFvKytwjWvKawXj37Nf65mq3Q

You can check this url to see the blockchain and subnet:


subnet-cli create subnet

subnet-cli create subnet

To create a Subnet on the local network:

subnet-cli create subnet \
--private-key-path=.insecure.ewoq.key \

And its console log:

2022-05-20T16:00:48.583-0600    info    client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-05-20T16:00:48.585-0600 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "qzfF3A11KzpcHkkqznEyQgupQrCNS6WV6fTUTwZpEKqhj1QE7"}
2022-05-20T16:00:48.585-0600 info client/client.go:96 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-05-20T16:00:48.585-0600 info client/client.go:105 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC"}
2022-05-20T16:00:48.585-0600 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-05-20T16:00:48.585-0600 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1337, "networkName": "network-1337"}
2022-05-20T16:00:48.604-0600 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": true, "assetId": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}

Ready to create subnet resources, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 30,000,000.0000000 $AVAX |
| TX FEE | 0.100 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| EXPECTED SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-05-20T16:00:53.753-0600 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": false, "assetId": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}
2022-05-20T16:00:53.776-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:74 polling subnet {"subnetId": "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1"}
2022-05-20T16:00:53.776-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-05-20T16:00:53.776-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T16:00:54.776-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.000622527s"}
2022-05-20T16:00:54.776-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:88 finding subnets {"subnetId": "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1"}
2022-05-20T16:00:54.776-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T16:00:54.777-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "486.234µs"}
created subnet "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1" (took 1.001108761s)
(subnet must be whitelisted beforehand via --whitelisted-subnets flag!)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 29,999,999.9000000 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| CREATED SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |

subnet-cli add validator

subnet-cli add validator \
--node-ids="[YOUR-NODE-ID]" \
--stake-amount=[STAKE-AMOUNT-IN-NANO-AVAX] \

To add a validator to the local network:

subnet-cli add validator \
--private-key-path=.insecure.ewoq.key \
--public-uri=http://localhost:57786 \
--node-ids="NodeID-4B4rc5vdD1758JSBYL1xyvE5NHGzz6xzH" \
--stake-amount=2000000000000 \

add-validator-local-1 add-validator-local-2

subnet-cli add subnet-validator

subnet-cli add subnet-validator \
--node-ids="[YOUR-NODE-ID]" \

To add a Subnet validator to the local network:

> subnet-cli add subnet-validator \
--private-key-path=.insecure.ewoq.key \
--public-uri= \
--node-ids="NodeID-P7oB2McjBGgW2NXXWVYjV8JEDFoW9xDE5" \

And its console log:

2022-05-20T16:10:22.980-0600    info    client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-05-20T16:10:22.981-0600 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "qzfF3A11KzpcHkkqznEyQgupQrCNS6WV6fTUTwZpEKqhj1QE7"}
2022-05-20T16:10:22.981-0600 info client/client.go:96 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-05-20T16:10:22.981-0600 info client/client.go:105 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC"}
2022-05-20T16:10:22.981-0600 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-05-20T16:10:22.982-0600 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1337, "networkName": "network-1337"}

Ready to add subnet validator, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 29,999,999.9000000 $AVAX |
| TX FEE | 0.001 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-05-20T16:10:28.853-0600 info client/p.go:299 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1", "txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-05-20T16:10:58.852-0600", "end": "2022-09-06T16:00:00.000-0600", "weight": 1000}
2022-05-20T16:10:28.857-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "gmrRTRK6671pBVopxHoPRx77hcvEvc5UKER1fFNgaRiFPY5Qh", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-05-20T16:10:28.859-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T16:10:29.861-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.002120951s"}
added P7oB2McjBGgW2NXXWVYjV8JEDFoW9xDE5 to subnet 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 validator set (took 1.002120951s)

waiting for validator P7oB2McjBGgW2NXXWVYjV8JEDFoW9xDE5 to start validating 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1...(could take a few minutes)
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 29,999,999.8990000 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |
| VALIDATE START | 2022-05-20T16:10:58-06:00 |
| VALIDATE END | 2022-09-06T16:00:00-06:00 |

subnet-cli create blockchain

subnet-cli create blockchain \
--subnet-id="[YOUR-SUBNET-ID]" \
--chain-name="[YOUR-CHAIN-NAME]" \
--vm-id="[YOUR-VM-ID]" \

To create a blockchain with the local cluster:

subnet-cli create blockchain \
--private-key-path=.insecure.ewoq.key \
--public-uri= \
--subnet-id="24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1" \
--chain-name=bayysubnet \
--vm-id= kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG \
2022-05-20T16:19:33.652-0600    info    client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-05-20T16:19:33.653-0600 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "qzfF3A11KzpcHkkqznEyQgupQrCNS6WV6fTUTwZpEKqhj1QE7"}
2022-05-20T16:19:33.653-0600 info client/client.go:96 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-05-20T16:19:33.653-0600 info client/client.go:105 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC"}
2022-05-20T16:19:33.653-0600 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-05-20T16:19:33.653-0600 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1337, "networkName": "network-1337"}

Ready to create blockchain resources, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 29,999,999.8990000 $AVAX |
| TX FEE | 0.100 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |
| CHAIN NAME | bayysubnet |
| VM ID | kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG |
| VM GENESIS PATH | bayysubnet.genesis |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-05-20T16:19:36.072-0600 info client/p.go:497 creating blockchain {"subnetId": "24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1", "chainName": "bayysubnet", "vmId": "kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG", "createBlockchainTxFee": 100000000}
created blockchain "2HxSBTxcRK6iZFftghTBW66HjSYfAEkvwtkX3e8EDWabiGEG4M" (took 2.65577ms)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 29,999,999.8990000 $AVAX |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | network-1337 |
| SUBNET ID | 24tZhrm8j8GCJRE9PomW8FaeqbgGS4UAQjJnqqn8pq5NwYSYV1 |
| CHAIN NAME | bayysubnet |
| VM ID | kL1G2oVE8BVXCBFQrwS2QkDnW4SBG86X5NoMSsiLidwyj3itG |
| VM GENESIS PATH | bayysubnet.genesis |

subnet-cli status blockchain

To check the status of the blockchain 2HxSBTxcRK6iZFftghTBW66HjSYfAEkvwtkX3e8EDWabiGEG4M from a private URI:

subnet-cli status blockchain \
--private-uri= \
--blockchain-id="2HxSBTxcRK6iZFftghTBW66HjSYfAEkvwtkX3e8EDWabiGEG4M" \

2022-05-20T16:20:55.362-0600 info client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-05-20T16:20:55.363-0600 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "qzfF3A11KzpcHkkqznEyQgupQrCNS6WV6fTUTwZpEKqhj1QE7"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.363-0600 info client/client.go:96 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.363-0600 info client/client.go:105 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "BUuypiq2wyuLMvyhzFXcPyxPMCgSp7eeDohhQRqTChoBjKziC"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.363-0600 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-05-20T16:20:55.363-0600 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1337, "networkName": "network-1337"}

Checking blockchain...
2022-05-20T16:20:55.364-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:127 polling blockchain {"blockchainId": "2HxSBTxcRK6iZFftghTBW66HjSYfAEkvwtkX3e8EDWabiGEG4M", "expectedBlockchainStatus": "Validating"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.365-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2HxSBTxcRK6iZFftghTBW66HjSYfAEkvwtkX3e8EDWabiGEG4M", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.365-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.365-0600 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "211.231µs"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.365-0600 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-05-20T16:20:55.365-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:148 waiting for blockchain status {"current": "Created"}
2022-05-20T16:20:56.367-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:148 waiting for blockchain status {"current": "Created"}
2022-05-20T16:20:57.367-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:148 waiting for blockchain status {"current": "Created"}
2022-05-20T16:20:58.368-0600 info platformvm/checker.go:148 waiting for blockchain status {"current": "Created"}